Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Post! Introduction!

Welcome to Geek Girl Fitness!!

I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time but couldn't come up with a name I liked that wasn't already taken. While reading other blogs this morning the name came to me. So here I am!

Working out is one of my favorite things to do (although you couldn't tell by looking at me - more on that later.) And as a self-professed Geek, I love all the gadgets that go along with fitness. My current project is digitizing my workout collection so I can get rid of the DVDs. My fav workout instructor - Cathe - made it easy for me when she introduced digital downloads. I love being able to plug in my iPhone and just pick a workout.

My fitness journey started in 2007 when I hit my highest weight ever. Before hitting the dreaded age of 30, I was able to eat (and drink) pretty much what I wanted while staying at a comfortable weight. I hit 30 and packed on 30 pounds almost instantly. So in January 2007, I decided enough was enough. I joined Weight Watchers online and started logging my food. Hello Wake Up CALL! I had no idea how much food I was putting into my mouth before that. No wonder I had gotten fat. At the same time I found Cathe on FitTV and fell in love with lifting weights. During the next year I was able to take off the 30 pounds I had gained and I looked even better than before as I had put on muscle. I also started running during the time and was training for my first marathon when a fitness disaster struck. I was scheduled to run Grandma's in Duluth, MN on June 22, 2008. On June 11th as I was walking into work, I slipped on in a puddle of water which resulted in a high ankle sprain. I relunctantly went to PT and was told no running for 6 weeks.

Flash forward to March 2011. I'm now 42 pounds heavier than June 2008 and am miserable. I've amassed all the workouts, equipment and gadgets possible, thinking with each purchase that it would be the magic I need. During the past 2+ years I've been up and down with workout out, but I was never consistent and not watching my food intake so the weight kept creeping up. So when a co-worker announced a new Weight Watchers at Work session, I decided to sign-up. I lost the weight with WW before, right? First weight in was March 30th. HIGHEST weight ever. I nearly cried.

During the several weeks my workouts have been steady and I've cleaned up my eating. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. But I am down 11.6 pounds as of last Wednesday.

I'm going to use this Blog to journal my trek to a fitter, happier me, Committing to writing daily will help me to hold myself accountable. Plus I plan on sharing a "Daily Fitness Deal", favortie recipes, and more! We'll see how it develops.

Thanks for reading and I hope you follow me on my journey!